CCPA category
Disclosed to
CCPA category
Name, address, telephone number, and email address, Internet Protocol address, passport details, drivers licence details, and other similar identifiers
Disclosed to
Serko group companies, customer(s), travel management companies, travel agents, and GDS operators (if any), service providers; business partners and third parties you authorise
CCPA category
Gender, age, and national origin
Disclosed to
Serko group companies, customer(s), travel management companies, travel agents, and GDS operators (if any), service providers, business partners and third parties you authorise
CCPA category
Internet or other electronic network activity information
Online identifiers including device and IP address, browser type, operating system, and other information regarding your interactions with our Sites and Services
Disclosed to
Serko group companies, customer(s), service providers, business partners and third parties you authorise
CCPA category
Commercial information
Purchase history and transactions, financial details, and payment information
Disclosed to
Serko group companies, customer(s), travel management companies, travel agents, and GDS operators (if any), service providers, business partners and third parties you authorise, our professional advisors
CCPA category
Geo-location data
Zip code, and general geolocation information (based on your IP address and/or travel itinerary and/or expense claims)
Disclosed to
Serko group companies, customer(s), travel management companies, travel agents, and GDS operators (if any), service providers, business partners and third parties you authorise
CCPA category
Audio, visual and other electronic data
Audio, electronic, visual and similar information such as images, call recordings, chat, and other interactions that you may have with us (such as for customer service purposes), and feedback or testimonials you provide about our Sites and Services
Disclosed to
Serko group companies, customer(s), travel management companies, travel agents, and GDS operators (if any), service providers, business partners and third parties you authorise
CCPA category
Professional and employment-related
Job title, industry and company
Disclosed to
Serko group companies, customer(s), travel management companies, travel agents, and GDS operators (if any), service providers, business partners and third parties you authorise
CCPA category
Inferences drawn from any of the above personal information to create a profile or summary about you such as reflecting preferences/characteristics
Disclosed to
Serko group companies, service providers